About Me

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Bowling Green, KY, United States
I have been married for 20 years to an amazing man, Scott....we were high school sweethearts! We have three beautiful children: Hillary, Drew and Mollie Grace. I currently work at Hillvue Heights Church as the assistant to the children's pastor. I love my job and it was the answer to 2 years of prayer. Jesus is my Lord and Savoir....without him I am nothing. Our life is crazy chaotic and I would not change anything!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


God's grace is immeasureable, immense, unending.........I could go on and on. I am so thankful for grace......more than that......My uncle is still in the hospital......still the same but oh so different. He is now among the family of God....his eternity secured......he is a child of God!! On Friday the Holy Spirit prompted me to tell my mom not to wait any longer. My uncle was not completely conscience but he was following some commands....My precious mom didn't wait....she stepped way far out of her comfort zone....she trusted God....she was obedient to the Father. My uncle was able to communicate with my mom by squeezing her hand and she led him in a prayer to confess his sins and ask Jesus to be Lord of his life........Grace and forgiveness....second chances......Love wins.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

don't wait

Dont' wait.....don't make excuses.....
don't let fear win out......it doesn't matter if they say no......don't wait.
Don't wait to share the Good News of Jesus with loved ones, with friends, with co-workers, with your neighbors, with people in your life.
You just might not get another chance......My great uncle had a stroke last Friday.
He is onery, grumpy, and contrary......and we waited....
waited for the right time...now is the right time, yesterday was the right time.
There is not a time that is not right........
We aren't guarunteed tomorrow, the next moment, all we have is now.......
we don't know if we will get another chance. Please pray for a moment of clarity for him, a moment to share........